Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Android's Photography Apps - Photo Tools

While I'm shopping in Android market, this apps caught my attention. I read the review, four our of five. Hmm... not bad... So I give it a try and install it to my phone. Since it is a free apps, why not? haha, I can just uninstall it if it is not nice. After installing it, I feel it is kinda fun, some functions seems to be useful, but I cant find a place to use it wisely yet.

This contains quite a numbers of tools in it, as shown below:

-DOF & Hyperfocal Distance Calculator
-Field Of View Calculator
-Exposure Reciprocation Calculator
-Flash Exposure Calculator
-Multiple Exposure Compensation

-Minimal Shutter speed Calculator Calculator
-Sunny 16 (EV) Calculator
-Blue & Golden Hour Calculator
-Moon Phase & Exposure calculator

-Location info
-Weather Forecast
-Colour Wheel
-Colour Temperature Chart
-Image histogram Viewer
-Photo Enlargement Calculator
-Sharpening Radius Calculator
-Level Indicator
-Check List
-Note pad
-Grid Overlay Camera
-Gallery For Inspiration
-Simple Touch Paint
-And some website link

For a newbie like me, I would say this is a fun apps. The first thing came out in my mind when I open the apps for the first time was "What the hack is this? How do I use this?". Slowly, after spending sometime google-ing it, I manage to understand how it works and how to apply this apps to real life shooting. In the same time I've learn more about my camera, lens, and some photography calculations. 

There are a few calculators are fun. Especially the Hyperfocal Distance Calculator, Flash Exposure Calculator and the multiple exposure compensation calculator. It makes me google every doubt, just to fill in requested value. I gain knowledge from there, as well as the progress google-ing it. 

Beside that, it can locate your location by activating your GPS. With the GPS and location, it can calculate sunrise/sunset timing, moon phase & exposure and weather forecast. 

This apps come along with some diagram such as the colour wheel and colour temperature chart. This seems to be useful to me, as I always forget the colour wheel. I can just refer here when ever I need it. 

It has a checklist in it. So you can check what you have to do before you go out for shooting. You also can make a note with this apps. There is also a link to show you some inspiring photos through internet connection. Some of the photos are great, totally inspiring. 

Below are some screen shot taken from android market webpage. 

Personally feel this is more useful for landscapers. To rate this apps, I will rate it 4/5. Some of the tools are nice. Some are kind of useless to me and some are just a reference. If you had understand it, you don't need this apps. Anyway, it is just a phone apps, and it is FREE! What else do you expect from it?

Since it is a FREE apps, why not give a try, download it, and play with it. You can uninstall it anytime after you get bored with it, master everything in it or you found that it is not useful to you. It all depends on you.

You can visit here for more info or download it to your android phone. And here to understand more detail about this apps. 

Lu Ting Jieh

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Is DSLR a trend?

There are more and more people getting a DSLR. In the same time, there are more and more people talking around, asking around, having a topic about DSLR , some are saying DSLR is a trend.

"Everyone is getting an DSLR because everyone is getting one."

But I think in the other way round. Is it true that everyone is getting a DSLR because everyone is getting one? Why isn't that they are getting a DSLR because they want to take a good or better pictures? I do feel like, more and more people getting to understand the important of keeping their daily live photos or the fun of sharing their photos.

Photo sharing is getting more and more common now a days. We can easily share our photos online and we can easily view others people's photos. On the other hand, digital technologies are also getting more and more common in our daily life. It is very normal that everyone have a digital camera. A very easy example to tell how common is a digital camera now a days. Just compare how a person fake pose a "shooting-a-photo" pose. When I was a kid, I put my hands right in front of my face and pose like I'm shooting with a Kodak film camera. Now, people will use their thumbs and index finger to make a frame and pose like they are using a digital live view camera. No one ask to pose like that. It just came up into their mind when you ask someone to pose a "shooting-a-photo" pose.

With a more advance photo sharing website now a days, photos can be uploaded and shared easily. The most important is, it can be view by anyone easily. Just like Facebook, it can auto resize and upload your photos. Then all of your friends can view the photos, even non friends accounts!!

On the other hand, the price of getting a DSLR is being more affordable comparing to 5 years back. Today, people are getting a DSLR because of everyone having one or people want to get a DLSR because they want to get a better picture to share/keep?

Lu Ting Jieh
